Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Studio Classroom 9/1


1.Chat Room:

* quit 辭職,較口語
* resign 辭職,較正式
* letter of resignation 辭呈
* pink slip 解雇通知單 (公司要你走路,意指你被開除、裁員、解雇)


* come in handy (use in informal way)
= be useful
= be convenient

(1) How something can be convenient or useful

Example: Since you might buy a lot of things, you should bring an extra bag with you; it might come in handy.

(2) Something is really useful at an unexpected time

Example: Patrick's old umbrella came in handy because he came to work unprepared for rain.

3.Language Tips:

* device 儀器,裝置
Example: The electronic device repels insects with sound waves.

* fasten 繫牢,扣緊 (t不發音)
Example: He fasten the straps of his backpack.

* fasten 把某物繫在某東西上用介係詞 "to"
Example: The sailor fastened his boat to a post on the dock.

* appeal 吸引
吸引某對象用介係詞 "to"

Example: The vibrant colors and relaxing atmosphere of the restaurant appeal to young customers.

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